By Rana Danish Nisar
The Dynamics of global politics is entirely changed now as compare to not only previous century but the previous decades too.

Alongside, the players of the world politics game have now their own interests, motivations, rationales and objectives aim to concrete their survival & security in this complex real-politics. The old enemies have been turned into new harmonious friends and new-alignments and blocs among the global fora have been established. In fact, the long-headed theories of International relations and their assumptions are sometimes unable to explain the motives, interests and looms of the states. One side the realism tries to explain the actions of states and on the other side constructivism calls that states should adopt myself in this contemporary era. Apart from the realism and constructivism, the liberalism argued that if you want peace and cooperation, the states should follow my assumptions for the better butter (peace) rather than bitter war. Moreover, along with the race among major powers, the international relations theoretical framework are in new connotations.
But in my perspective, the realism is still more dominant and will be without any deny and repudiate. Form the selfish human nature (Realism) to anarchic international structure (Neo-Realism) along with empowerment of state’s muscle for potent defense & security (defensive realism) and maximization of power for domination, hegemony (offensive realism) cannot be underestimated by any man of wisdom. The work of “Thcydidies” with title “The Peloponnesian War”, the renowned work of “Machiavelli” named “The Prince” and “Chanakaya Kautliya’s” work “Arthashastra” which is commonly known as “Cold Blood” hardcore realism, Hans Morgenthau, Kenneth Waltz, Stephan Waltz, J. Mearsheimer and Fareed Zakria are the prominent realists in the domain of Realism.
Subsequently, the various centuries and decades, the significance of their words and works are still valid in the world politics and seems in the course of actions of states. Not only the history but the contemporary times have witness that major states have lust of power maximization and wants their hegemony, domination and sphere of influence.
Without any nay and unquestionably as well as doubtless, states want their maximum power without bother the peace and stability of the globe i.e. the Japanese obsession of domination in early twenty century and its annihilation orientated steps towards its vicinities and the globe, World War I, the Mussolini, Hitler’s mantra, inauguration of World War II, attack of Pearl Harbor, the battle of midway, nuclear assassination of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Korean war, Vietnam war, Russian invasion, Afghanistan’s spasm, Iraq’s paroxysm are the events which can explain the pessimistic nature (realism) of the state. Now, the evolution can be seen in the orbits of world and regional politics.
Today no one state can do compromise on its interests on the behalf on the behalf of safety of the interests of the other state because twenty-first century is entirely different as compare to the Cold War and twentieth century and the major or minor political players of this political world are playing their game according to their own interests and the USA should learn from it. This is not the Cold War that USA will adapt traditional balancing approach aim to forestall its advisories and use others states as tactical partners with its paradox mindsets.
Every state will play its own game for its survival, security and safety of sovereignty. India will not premonitory allow the USA as buck-catcher in its buck-passing strategy to secure American interests and play its role as counter-weight power against anti-American forces. In fact, through my lenses, being a cleaver associate, India is playing with the USA and getting all benefits from the USA i.e. civil-nuclear deal, NSG waivers, UNSC support, advance weapons, sensitive military technologies, nuclear technology, cutting-edge technology etc. because India is now not India of 20th century and it has own dream and most dominantly is “Akhand-Bharat” or “Greater India”.
According to offensive realism, states search opportunities to improve its muscles (military) aim to get hegemony and “strategic partnership” is the opportunity for India. In my point of view, May the USA forget the tale of Iran-Iraq war and the USA support the Iraq against Iran in the context of Nuclear munitions and after some years Iraq emerge as nuclear threat for the USA according to pentagon. Sooner or later, India may follow same suiting of Iraq.
Moreover, Today’s Asia is not old Asia, they are now more sensible, matured and they know that “Asia is for Asians” and they have ability to sort out their problems individually or collectively but don’t want any extra-regional eagle (USA) to rule the blue water and eat all fishes. Asian now want peace and don’t want any bloody holocaust. In Asian perspective, China is the symbol of peace and stability and their integration with peaceful China can bring peace in the region. Additionally, Africans now come to know the reality of colonial power and they want freedom and want to utilize their resources for their own developments, progress and life improvements and don’t use French language too. In-fact, “Latin side” (South America) also want internationalization and wants freedom from the upper side.
The fancy Middle East is entirely under-construction and wants new “constructer and builders” and the candidates are Israel, Turkey, KSA and Iran. Let’s see who will get the contract of construction, we should wait for it but the old constructer will not get contract again. Summarily, with the passage of time, the prices of commodities, food staffs has been increased. Apart from some years before, now the McDonald. KFC and other fast foods bodies charge for the extra “Ketchup” because they now are running their business according to realism with realization.
Same like the high prices of commodities, the price of politics is higher than past now and Yes, off course, Now, If you want extra “Ketchup” you should pay for it and may be this time this “Pay” is more catastrophic i.e. Capitol Attack 2021, disrespect of democracy, depriving economy, rising unrest, political chaos, declining of the status of “MASTER” of democracy and the world and lose of the “CROWN” of the world Hegemon power. Yes, new elected president Biden and his team should think once at least.
Author: Rana Danish Nisar PhD (International Relations) Student at the School of Politics and International Studies (SPIS). He holds Mphil in (International Relations), Masters in (Pakistan Studies), and Masters in (International Relations) degrees. He won acceptance Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations HPAIR (USA), 2017. His research interests are broadly in South Asian Affairs, South Asia Geo-Politics, US and South Asia, Indian Ocean, Security studies, South Asian developments studies.
(The views expressed in this article belong only to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy or views of World Geostrategic Insights).