By Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan
The international community is too late to reverse the disaster that happened in Beirut.

World leaders are issue statements to condole the losses. Media is making photos, documentaries to show solidarity with the victims of Beirut blast. Writing reports, articles and debating how happened, what happened, etc. is all futile exercise. Donors rushing to help the victims are too late!
One of the most beautiful countries, on the Mediterranean Sea, with rich is culture, diversity, natural beauty, the country named Lebanon, known as the Paris of Middle-East. A very modern state in the Arab-world. With an area of 10,452 km2, and a population estimated at 7 million, GDP (PPP) estimates almost one trillion, and per capita income around 16,000 US Dollars, Lebanon was an attraction in the whole region.
Unfortunately, passing through several civil wars and hubs of proxies, the center of conspiracies, internal as well as external challenges, proved a disaster for the country. Lebanon was divided into several factions or groups based on various criteria. Due to around 40% population of Christians (remaining 60% are Muslims), the country is headed by a Christian president. Due to the vast majority, the Prime minister is Sunny Muslim, and Speaker of the Legislative Assembly is A Shi’a Muslim. In addition to these three divides, there are other groups supported by foreign powers, like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Syria, France, etc.
Lebanon was a hub of proxies and the center of international conspiracies. There also exist the interests of big powers like the US, Russia, China, and Israel. It makes Lebanon a very fragile and naïve divided state.
Economic crisis, foreign debts, inflation has brought the country close to collapse. The COVID-19 has also affected the country adversely. The gap between rich and poor was so huge and caused further polarity in the nation. The elite with dual nationalities, or interest in foreign countries, have less sincerity with their own country, which they were ruling. Most of them were having properties or investments in countries like the USA, France, UK, etc. They were prepared to escape from Lebanon and settle theme in developed countries, if something goes wrong with the nation. Foreign powers were promoting such thinking among the elite.
Although the blast on the 4th of August 2020, due to huge amount of ammonium nitrate stored at the port of the city of Beirut, accidentally exploded, causing at least 180 deaths, 6,000 injuries, estimated US$ 10–15 billion in property damage and leaving an estimated 300,000 people homeless. It is not yet known what caused the ammonium nitrate to detonate; suggested reasons include a fire in an alleged fireworks warehouse, an attack, or a fire in an ammunition warehouse; the investigation is still ongoing, and many more speculations and theories.
But the socio-political divide was having a long history, which led the country to such a big disaster.
The vast explosion was felt in Turkey, Syria, Israel, and parts of Europe, and was heard in Cyprus, more than 250 km away. Its intensity was detected by the United States Geological Survey as a seismic event of magnitude 3.3 and is considered one of the most potent non-nuclear explosions in history.
It is time for the Lebanese to be awakened and think soberly, that their internal divide can produce a gape for evil-spirits to cause such colossal damage. They must unite, and with sincerity address their issues and try best to over-come one by one. They should not become an easy target for any foreign powers to victimize them. It is believed that with the level of education they have, it must be easy to understand their own problems, and if there is a strong will, they have the potential to overcome all challenges.
If they are strong internally, the evil-foreign powers nay not be able to harm them, and friendly foreign powers may assist them in developing their country. It is believed, the blast on the 4th of August will be proved a turning point for Lebanon. Best wishes for the bright future of Lebanon.
Author: Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan, Sinologist (ex-Diplomat), Editor, Analyst, Non-Resident Fellow of CCG (Center for China and Globalization), National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan.
(The views expressed in this article belong only to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of World Geostrategic Insights).