By Rana Danish Nisar

    With the threshold of the 21st century, the erstwhile rudimentary notions have been changed.  Interestingly, simply, “International Relations” is the interactions/relations among states in the  context of Political, economic and social by following states’ self-interests. 

    Danish Nisar
    Rana Danish Nisar

    With the rise of the digital world and transformations in technology, the meaning of I.R has now altered with  innovative domains along with forgoing philosophies. Now, the scope and significance of I.R  have been scratched. Previously, states were playing their imperative role in these academic  disciplines but in this contemporary world the non-state entities are more important than states.  From terrorism to Digital-terrorism, Globalization to Digital-globalization, Warfare to Digital Warfare, States entities to Digital- non States entities, Simple communication to Quantum  tactical communication, Paper currency to Digital-Currency (Crypto), Intelligence to Digital 

    Artificial Intelligence, Unpretentious nuclear reactor to Modular Nuclear cauldrons, rise of  “Electro Optical Seekers machines”, Diplomacy to Digital-Diplomacy, Space to Cyberspace,  Surveillance to Digital-Surveillance, Wars to Economic wars, meek confrontations to deep-seas  hostilities, Space to Deep-space contests, Man-Wars to No-Man wars, Quantum technology to  Quantum-Pro technology, Genetic engineering, Biological and chemical munitions to Digital sharing of munitions, cyber-attacks to Quantum- Digital attacks, modest infantry to Digital infantry and Printed Media to Digital Pro-Media. 

    One school of thought thinks that the Treaty of Westphalia and Congress of Vienna are the actual  beginning of “International Relations”. On the contrary, other schools of thought argue that the early  20th Century is the commencement of “International Relations” as a speculative substance at  global level and clatters among two major theoretical schools “Realism and Idealism”. The  contemporary 3rd school of thought inks that the 21st century is actually & practically a show-off of  Realism and Liberalism. The 3rd school of thought protuberant, bulbous and prominent says that  behind the carton of Liberalism, Realism is sole and only theoretical approach who deal the world perfectly and define the real meaning of the word “Real-Politics”. 

    There is no seat for liberals  or another school in the “Real-Politics” Room but for only Realists. They argue that world politics,  political economy, wars, peace, IOs, IGOs, ROs, financial monetary institutions, trade,  cooperation, and economic juxtapositions are just revolving around the orbit of Realism school  of thought which has assumptions that; States are self-centered and motivated by National  interests for their immediate strong survival in this anarchic world structure by following  defensive or offensives approaches. 

    According to some strategic and security specialists i.e. Dr. Maria, Dr. Banjiman, Dr. Rana  Danish, Dr. Ali Abbas and many mores, the late 90s era of previous century is no doubt is the era  of “New world Order” which was introduced by United States of America but the 21st century is  the rise of “Digital-World Order and the Lord of this Order is might be People’s Republic of  China. It has no doubt, technologically, economically, politically, strategically, Geo-security,  geo-politics, geo-economics, Digital-Security, Digital-politics, and Digital-Economic, China is a leading entity in Asian ward and moving towards Globe by following BRI. 

    Interestingly, Dr.  Rana Danish argues that actually BRI is the digital version of a replica of the ancient Silk Road. The  People’s Republic of China will lead digitally the Globe through BRI which may be countered by the  USA and its allies through BDN (Blue Dot Network) and B3W (Build-Back-Better world)  versions. Additionally, without any suspicion, China is leading prominently even in military  equipment and munitions through military modernizations. In his book, John argues that in the  coming days, China will lead the world not only in Asian ward but in A-I technology which has  serious challenges to American hegemony and national interests according to Americans security  specialists. Each and Every clothes of International Relations are connected with A-I Digitally. 

    The A-I Digital agony, anguish, botheration, inflictions and tormentor are ruled over global  Banking systems, financial institutions, monetary funds, money valeting, global media, wars and  Rule & Law international bodies. Mans are replaced by Robots, Armed mans replaced by Digital  defense systems, Paper media is replaced by Social Media, Propagate Words are replaced by  Digital-Propaganda. Even, Pornography; a biggest market is now gaged with Digital Pornography. All the secret information, gens, materials, booklets, governments official  databases i.e. National Citizens database, Immigration database, Passports information are facing  serious security risks. 

    Previously, the intelligence agencies faced serious challenges while getting  secret information from their enemies and it took  times to share with their countries. Now,  the environment has been changed, intelligence agencies have direct access to other states’ databases. According to USA allegations, Russia and China have always played a prominent role during US presidential elections and have a serious threat of cyber-attacks on USA secret databases.  

    Moving ahead, during Covid-19 pandemic, all the sessions, workshops, and meetings were held  digitally which were organized by WHO. Even during the Ukraine-Russian crisis, the states, UNO,  EU organize the immediate digital sessions aim to restore the peace in the region and resolve  skirmish among Ukraine and Russia. Apart from all the debate, the question is still the part of  debate about what will be the future of this Digital/Robotic world order or International Relations. Either it would make more deep closeness among the states or create a skirmish between the  nation-states. Realist views are rarely pessimistic but Liberal school of thought takes it as  renaissance, resurgence and rebirth of the Peaceful World. The time will decide the real consequences of this rise of digitalization but currently World is positively revolving around this  Robotic/Digital/Internet circuit. 

    Rana Danish Nisar  – The author is a PhD (International Relations) Student at the School of Politics and International Studies (SPIS). He holds Mphil in (International Relations), Masters in (Pakistan Studies), and Masters in (International Relations) degrees. He won acceptance Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations HPAIR (USA), 2017.  His research interests are broadly in South Asian Affairs, South Asia Geo-Politics, India-Pakistan Relations, South Asian Nuclear Politics, US and South Asia, Indian Ocean, Security studies, South Asian developments studies.

    (The views expressed in this article belong  only to the author and do not necessarily reflect the  views of World Geostrategic Insights).
