By Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan (Author’s response to the European Parliament joint motion on the blasphemy laws in Pakistan)
Pakistan is a highly diverse country based on provinces, languages, cultures, religions, and political views; there are many factions, groups, and divides. Freedom of expression and individuals rights are guarented under the Constitution of Pakistan.

There is a high-degree of media freedom, where everyone has the right to express his/her views and criticize Government, Institutions, and individuals leaders. The unmatched independent judiciary is a strong pillar in Pakistan and has a tradition of giving judgments against any individual irrespective of his/her status. There are precedences of giving judgment against two sitting prime ministers in recent history, which is unprecedented in many other countries. Pakistani judiciary is independent, bold, and powerful.
Pakistan is a country with a 97% population as Muslims; however, the remaining three percent includes Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, etc. The Constitution of Pakistan protects the rights of minorities. Law enforcement agencies are protecting them well. In case of any violation, the powerful judiciary is there to provide them relief and justice efficiently.
Like any other country, there are criminals and extremist groups. Pakistan is no exception too. But the security forces, police, and judiciary are there to provide justice. The ideal democracy in the US can not control the “Capitol Hill” incident, “Gorge Flyed” is another unpleasant incident; the protests and demonstration are a common phenomenon there. There also exists extremist groups in the EU like Nazi and other racist groups. Protests and demonstrations are also common almost all over the EU. It is understandable by all means that in a free and democratic world, there must be people with extreme idealogy, and Pakistan is no exception in this regard.
However, the Parliamentary system of Government in Pakistan is strong enough to resolve all differences and overcome all issues. The government of Pakistan has a track record of overcoming many serious problems in the past and fully capable of doing the same in the future. The recent unrest was one of the examples, and it was settled down amicably. It was a domestic issue just like in other parts of the world, and the EU may understand it in a positive manner. However, it has been resolved and settled already.
As a matter of fact, intolerance, extremism, and racism is a common enemy of humankind and exists worldwide, with various degrees of intensity in different countries. Pakistan is struggling hard to overcome it and positively contributing to the rest of the world in this regard too. It is belived that by collective efforts only, it is possible to eliminate intolerance, extremist, and racism from the whole world.
Pakistan needs the international community’s support in its struggle and at the same time extends its support to the rest of the world to eradicate it completely. The UN, the International Community, and some unbiased nation & international leaders have praised Pakistan’s positive role on several occasions.
However, Pakistan is disappointed with the resolution af the European Parliament on blasphemy laws in the country. The discourse in the European Parliament reflects a lack of understanding in the context of blasphemy laws and associated religious sensitivities in Pakistan – and in the wider Muslim world. The unwarranted commentary about Pakistan’s judicial system and domestic laws is regrettable.
Pakistan is a parliamentary democracy with a vibrant civil society, free media, and independent judiciary, which remains fully committed to promoting and protecting human rights for all its citizens without discrimination.
Pakistan is proud of its minorities who enjoy equal rights and complete protection of fundamental freedoms as enshrined in the Constitution. Judicial and administrative mechanisms and remedies are in place to guard against any human rights violations.
Pakistan has played an active role in promoting freedom of religion or belief, tolerance, and inter-faith harmony. At a time of rising Islamophobia and populism, the international community must exhibit a common resolve to fight xenophobia, intolerance, and incitement to violence based on religion or belief and work together to strengthen peaceful co-existence.
Pakistan and the EU have multiple mechanisms in place to discuss the entire spectrum of bilateral relations, including a dedicated Dialogue on Democracy, Rule of Law, Governance, and Human Rights. We would continue to remain positively engaged with the EU on all issues of mutual interest. Any unilateral decision may not be fruitful to either side. It is time to strengthen our ties and mutual support. Only by collletive efforts may we turn this universe into a better place to live for humankind. Pakistan assures its best possible cooperation at all times. Cooperation! Not coercion!
Author: Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan – Sinologist (ex-Diplomat), Editor, Analyst, Non-Resident Fellow of CCG (Center for China and Globalization), National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan.
(The views expressed in this article belong only to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy or views of World Geostrategic Insights).