Maja Ćirić

    Maja Ćirić, PhD, is an independent, yet inseparable, curator and art critic. Her primary field of interest, the geopolitics of the curatorial, shifted to the multipolar geopolitics of planetary computation following the digital turn in 2020. Maja served as the curator of the Serbian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale in 2007 and as the commissioner in 2013. She also curated the BJCEM Mediterranea Young Artist Biennale in Tirana, Albania, in 2017, and the 20th Pančevo Art Biennale in Pančevo, Serbia, in 2022.

    Maja has been a guest lecturer at the Fine Arts Academy of China, Hangzhou, China; the Faculty of Fine Arts and the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Arts, Belgrade, Serbia; the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Belgrade, Serbia; Independent Curators International, New York; European University Cyprus, and many official and unofficial curatorial and art-related workshops and mentorship programs.