By Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan (ex-Diplomat, Editor, Analyst)
Recognition of the Jewish state of Isreal by few Arab countries, like the UAE, Bahrain, etc., were regarded as a significant victory for Peace in Middle-East. It was expected that Isreal might take it its political success and succeeded in dividing Arabs.

There was a unified stance by the 22-nations Arab League to not to recognize the Jewish state unless the Palestinian sovereign state is established. For several decades, all Arab world was united on this issue, and punitive actions were taken against Egypt upon its recognition of Isreal in 1979.
Instead of being satisfied with its achievements, surprisingly, Israel is currently making, through the Director-General of the Property Department at the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a proposal of law, that will be presented to the Knesset next Marc, to assists the Israeli Government to demand the Egyptian Government to return the assets of Egyptian Jews who migrated from the various Egyptian cities starting in 1948 in groundwork for putting them on the table international negotiations in the event of stress on Israel for the Palestinian right of return. The bill includes into two parts: The first focuses on Egypt, Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Sudan, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, and Bahrain for reparation for the property of 850,000 Jews, valued at 300 billion US dollars, divided among themselves according to the last population census of the Jews in 1948.
As for the second segment of the law: the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs demands on Saudi Arabia to pay recompense of more than one hundred billion dollars for the assets of Jews in the Kingdom since the period of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, Peace be upon him, and it is a project that is presently working on senior Israeli specialists in international law, history and geography at the universities of Bar Ilan and Beersheba Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and Haifa, with extraordinary funding, was set at 100 million US dollars, abstracted from the 2012 budget of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
As for Iran, it has a special division within the agenda of the same project, as Israel is probing it to pay one hundred billion dollars alone in reparation for hundreds of dead and lost Iranian Jews inside Iran without knowing their whereabouts to this day.
The remarkable thing is that Israel is also demanding Bahrain for reimbursement for the properties of the Jewish community that lived in Manama and have Jewish graveyards in Bahrain to this day, according to information revealed from the Israeli project.
Middle-East was an extremely volatile region and always under discussion for a permanent Peace by the UN, International Community, and global powers. It was expected that the recognition of the Jewish state by neighboring Arab countries would pave ways for permanent Peace in the whole region. Contrarily with increasing demands from the State of Isreal has scaring scenario ahead, and it seems that Jews State is not interested in settling the issues but may open new issues and never-ending problems for the whole world.
The US and the UK are openly favoring the Jewish state out of context, and a few of the US allies like France also favors the State of Israel. Over-protection of the Jewish state by the US or its partners, have spoiled it and encouraged to keep on higher and higher demands. If discontent is unlimited and greed is limitless, then there will never be Peace, and the whole region will keep on suffering forever.
It is desired that the UN and unbiased nations may come forward and, based on justice, convince the State of Israel to co-existence peacefully. If the State of Israel kept on denying, then the UN may take unilateral action and deploy UN Peace Keeping Force to implement justice. China and Russia are geopolitical powers and have an obligation to play their part of role for settling the Middle-East issue.
It is to be noted that the UNSC has passed resolutions in legitimate rights of Palestinian, which were not implemented by Israel for 70 long decades. It is time to implement the UNSC resolutions on Palistina issue by force. Untill a soverign Palestinian Sates is established, the Peace is inevitable. The sooner the Palestinian state is established, the sooner the Peace may be achieved in the region.
Author: Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan, Sinologist (ex-Diplomat), Editor, Analyst, Non-Resident Fellow of CCG (Center for China and Globalization), National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan.
(The views expressed in this article belong only to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy or views of World Geostrategic Insights).