By Muhammad Zakria 

    China is going to establish itself as a superpower of the 21st century, potentially displacing the United States and becoming the new world leader. The race for artificial intelligence (AI) is a key battleground in this struggle for supremacy, as both nations recognize the strategic importance of AI in transforming healthcare, transportation, national security, and economic competitiveness. 

    While noticing on the various articles and writing pieces China is not a near-peer competitor of the United States of America in AI but has completely crossed the US. According to scholars and researchers Beijing is going to grow its economy through these technologies  posing is a major threat to the US in the battleship of technological advancements in the next quarter century. Most of the Americans were arguing that authoritative regimes will fall apart but democratic systems will lead the world.  All the arguments were in vein when China built its technology in AI to counter the United States and sooner or later will be a world leader.

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the world, from improving healthcare and transportation to enhancing national security and economic competitiveness. As a result, the United States and China have recognized the strategic importance of AI and are currently engaged in a race to become the dominant AI superpower.

    Current State of AI in the US and China 

    The United States and China are currently the two major AI superpowers. In the United States, the AI sector is dominated by tech giants such as Google, Amazon, Microsoft and Facebook, which have invested heavily in AI research and development. The United States is also home to some of the world’s leading AI research institutions, including Carnegie Mellon University, Stanford University and MIT.

    China has also made significant progress in AI development, and the Chinese government has invested heavily in AI research and development. The Chinese AI industry is dominated by companies such as Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent, which are investing heavily in AI research and development. China is also home to some of the world’s leading AI research institutes, including Tsinghua University and Peking University.

    AI Strategies 

    The United States and China have both developed national AI strategies aimed at advancing AI development in their respective countries. In 2018, the United States released the National Strategic Plan for AI Research and Development, which outlined a roadmap for AI research and development in the United States. The plan identified five key areas for AI development: fundamental research, shared dataset and infrastructure development, AI workforce development and training, responsible AI development, and global AI cooperation.

    China has also developed a national AI strategy with the goal of becoming a world leader in AI by 2030. China’s AI strategy identifies three key areas for AI development: building AI innovation centers, promoting AI research and development, and enhancing AI industry development. China has also established the National Next Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan, which outlines specific goals for AI development in China.

    According to U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Work, “We can’t prove it, but we believe we are at an inflection point in AI and autonomy.” Artificial intelligence will be a major potential source of instability among nations as concerns about national security issues in the age of technological warfare arrive. Artificial intelligence could bring definitive changes to military power and warfare, with implications for the balance of power among states.

    Transformative Role of Artificial Intelligence in Modern Warfare

    Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a technology capable of revolutionizing military capabilities. Unlike traditional weapons, AI acts as an enabler and force multiplier, comparable to electricity, radios, radar, and C4ISR systems. Its impact on military technology is unpredictable but highly destabilizing, presenting strategic implications that could reshape the status quo. By leveraging AI-enhanced weapons and systems, armed forces gain significant advantages on the battlefield, particularly in challenging operational environments that require rapid decision-making in multiple combat zones. Integrating AI into military operations offers a number of benefits. Remote sensing, situational awareness, battlefield maneuverability, and accelerated decision cycles are some of the advantages enjoyed by armed forces using AI. Although AI cannot surpass human decision making, it significantly increases military effectiveness. This technological advancement enables the armed forces to outperform their counterparts who rely solely on human judgment.


    The race for artificial intelligence (AI) dominance between China and the United States has profound implications for national security and the global geopolitical landscape. Both nations recognize the transformative potential of AI in various fields, including military applications, and are investing heavily to gain a competitive advantage. This Sino-US rivalry in the field of AI amplifies concerns about strategic stability, technological diffusion, and the potential for an arms race.

    As AI capabilities continue to evolve, the nation that effectively exploits its potential will gain significant advantages in areas such as intelligence gathering, cyber warfare, autonomous systems, and decision-making. The integration of AI into military operations promises to improve efficiency, accuracy and adaptability, thereby shaping the outcome of future conflicts and influencing the balance of power.

    The Sino-US race for AI also highlights the importance of ethical considerations and policy frameworks surrounding the development and deployment of AI. Issues such as data privacy, algorithm bias, and the potential for autonomous weapons raise complex moral and legal dilemmas that require careful regulation and international cooperation.

    To navigate this changing landscape, policymakers, researchers, and military strategists must engage in robust dialogue and cooperation. Establishing transparent mechanisms to share best practices, address ethical concerns, and mitigate potential risks can help prevent an uncontrolled escalation of the AI race.

    Ultimately, the outcome of the Sino-US AI rivalry will have far-reaching consequences for national security, economic prosperity and global governance. The ability to harness the potential of AI while ensuring responsible and ethical use will be critical to maintaining stability, promoting international cooperation, and shaping a future in which AI contributes positively to the security and well-being of nations around the world.

    Author:  Muhammad Zakria  – Student of International Relations at University of Balochistan, Quetta

    (The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of World Geostrategic Insights)

    Image source: AP
