A collaboration between WGI.WORLD (World Geostrategic Insights) and CGPS (Center for Global Peace and Security)

Covid-19 changed the basic norms of global power. In traditional concepts, political, economic and military competence would be a clue to define a country as a great power or not. But today the world relies more on soft power than hard power, which can penetrate unhindered into all regional spheres thanks to social networks. Global society simultaneously shares exciting events or bursts into tears at tragic and cosmopolitan scenes such as the protection of human dignity and value.

The Special Series for Global Power and Leadership focuses on how to explore global leadership to improve human life in general, beyond national competitiveness. Global society is asking what is the best way to move forward together, and global leadership is the right answer to reorganize the power structure. Will the world not be determined by what national power is, but how it leads human society in progress?

Divided into seven parts: Part I (May 2024) Political Power and Leadership – How to Lead the Global Society?; Part II (June 2024) Economic Power and Leadership – The Priority of National Competitiveness; Part III (July 2024) Military Power and Leadership – Self Defense or Offense Tool; Part IV (August 2024) Industrial Power and Leadership – Industrial Revolution for General Human Life; Part V (September 2024) Social Power and Leadership – Invisible Leadership beyond National Boundary; Part VI (October 2024) Cultural Power and Leadership – Worldwide Influence and Prospective Future; Part VII (November 2024) Religious Power and Leadership – Fundamental Factor of Global Conflicts.