By Rana Danish Nisar
Modern technology has advanced to the point that we now have automatic weaponry, often known as killer robots or lethal autonomous weapons systems (LAWS).

These weapons can find their target, lock on, and kill it or them without needing ongoing human oversight. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), ground robots, and naval vessels are all examples of autonomous weaponry. Thanks to their sensors, AI, and complicated algorithms, they are able to collect data, gain insight into their environments, and make decisions without human intervention. The degree of autonomy of these weapons varies. Others require human operators to set targets or objectives before deployment but are otherwise capable of fully autonomous operation, from target detection to engagement.
In a fully autonomous system, human involvement is required only during the initialization and configuration procedures. These weapons include a plethora of features that could come in handy during battle. They can beat human operators in terms of speed and accuracy because of their ability to handle massive datasets in real time. And unlike people, they don’t get tired, emotional, or biased in times of crisis, which might impede decision making.
Despite the evident advantages that could be gained from the employment of autonomous weapons, there are significant moral, legal, and humanitarian concerns that must be addressed first. Unintentional consequences, such as civilian casualties, rule of engagement violations, and overkill, have been blamed on the fact that humans don’t have direct control over these weapons. Furthermore, hacking or other illegal use might have extremely negative effects.
Responsibility and accountability also become issues with autonomous weaponry. When something bad happens, it’s not always easy to figure out who’s at fault and who should pay the price. This lack of clarity about who is at fault raises serious ethical and legal concerns about violations of international humanitarian law and other standards that emerge during times of armed conflict. Concerns about the development and deployment of autonomous weapons have prompted years of discussion and debate among nations.
There are current efforts to legislate and build frameworks for the responsible use of these weapons in accordance with international law, human rights, and ethical standards. It was not until 2018 that the United Nations Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) began holding formal discussions on the topic of autonomous weapons. Many countries and organizations have called for a total ban or severe restrictions on autonomous weapons to prevent their unrestrained proliferation and use. Some argue that a blanket ban on these weapons would be counterproductive since it would stifle legitimate military and scientific progress.
Given the ethical and legal challenges posed by autonomous weapons, rigorous consideration and international cooperation are required to develop and use these weapons in a way that promotes human rights, protects civilians, and avoids destabilizing implications on international security. The continued discussions and efforts center mostly on the importance of keeping the use of force under human control and responsibility.
Recent advances in artificial intelligence and robotics have made the construction of fully autonomous weapons no longer the stuff of science fiction. These weapons have the potential to revolutionize warfare in a number of ways, including increased precision, faster response times, and reduced risk to human life. However, they also raise a number of ethical, legal, and security concerns.
One important problem with autonomous weapons is the risk of human error. It has been argued that machines shouldn’t be trusted with the ability to employ lethal force since they don’t understand the nuanced moral and ethical decisions that individuals make. There are worries that the loss of human judgment and responsibility in war could lead to indiscriminate targeting, innocent casualties, and the lowering of legal and ethical standards. Another big concern is the possible proliferation of autonomous weaponry.
Concerns have been raised concerning the potential for non-state actors or rogue countries to acquire these weapons as this technology spreads. The risk of destabilizing actions by multiple actors would increase if they had access to lethal force without human intervention, and the threshold for conflict would be lowered. When humans are removed from decision-making and responsibility in the use of force, international humanitarian law’s underlying concepts of proportionality and distinction are compromised. More than that, though, the development and use of autonomous weapons raises a wide range of legal and regulatory concerns.
The actions of human combatants are generally covered by current international humanitarian law, such as the Geneva Conventions. The use of autonomous weapons is not addressed or regulated in any particular way. There is continuing discussion among policymakers, legal experts, and human rights organizations about whether or not new international treaties or protocols are needed to address the unique challenges posed by these weapons. Concerns concerning the lethality of autonomous weapons have been voiced by experts in the field. Because of the potential for accidents or malfunctions, unintended injury often occurs first. Even when supplemented with AI, autonomous systems still have flaws and make blunders. A mistaken target identification or faulty algorithms during combat could cause an autonomous weapon to accidentally kill civilians, allies, or damage critical infrastructure. These kinds of incidents have the potential to erode public trust and raise tensions. The increased use of autonomous weapons could lessen their deterrent effect, increasing the likelihood of war breaking out in more places.
The use of force may become more widespread and continue for extended periods of time because of the lowered danger to the user and the prospect that autonomous weapons might perform without rest. Adding extra violence to situations that are already volatile could have devastating effects on civilian populations.
The rising competition between the United States and China in developing and deploying autonomous weapons has significant implications for global security and arms control efforts. Competition between the United States and China is fierce in various areas of technology, including artificial intelligence and robotics. Both nations recognize the obvious military benefits of autonomous weapons and are therefore investing heavily in their research, development, and acquisition. The arms race is driven by the quest for military superiority and the protection of strategic advantage. The development of autonomous weapons is a strategic priority for both the United States and China. By utilizing these technologies for enhanced monitoring and pinpoint assaults, both countries aspire to boost the effectiveness of their armed forces. Autonomous weapons’ advantages in terms of speed, precision, and durability have the potential to drastically alter the dynamics of war.
The advent of autonomous weapons systems poses significant challenges to current methods of arms control. Artificial intelligence and robotics have advanced rapidly, but the legal and ethical norms required to control them have not. Existing arms control treaties, such as the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW), are not designed to address the unique challenges posed by autonomous weapons. As two of the world’s largest economies, the United States and China must collaborate to establish uniform norms and regulations for the entire world. The development of autonomous weapons has generated ethical concerns about trusting machines to make life-or-death decisions. If humans aren’t involved, there’s a larger danger of indiscriminate targeting, civilian casualties, and inadvertent escalation.
Compliance with IHL and the protection of civilians must be given first priority. There have been questions raised about who should be held accountable for the actions of autonomous weapons. In the event of malfunctions, errors, or unintended effects, it may be challenging to assign fault and obtain reparation. It is crucial to develop clear criteria and accountability mechanisms for autonomous weapons so that humans can continue to exercise control over them while yet being held accountable for their actions. If both the United States and China utilize autonomous weapons, it might spark a dangerous arms race. The race for technological supremacy could lead to an increase in the spread of weapons as governments around the world make strides to catch up. Unrestrained competition could undermine strategic stability and increase the possibility of unplanned clashes in the absence of appropriate restrictions.
The growing rivalry between the United States and China in the area of autonomous weaponry has both positive and negative aspects. Despite the potential for new weapons to revolutionize military operations, we must give careful consideration to the ethical, legal, and security implications. To reduce the dangers presented by autonomous weapons, the United States and China, together with other relevant parties, must coordinate their efforts and share relevant information properly. It will be important to establish clear standards, rules, and accountability structures to facilitate the responsible development and deployment of this transformative technology while limiting risks to global security and stability.
Combining legal, ethical, and technological controls will be necessary to stop the proliferation of autonomous weapons. Here are some ideas for addressing the issues raised by autonomous weaponry. International conventions and accords should be promoted to restrict or limit the use of autonomous weapons. Standards for its development, dissemination, and application can be the subject of international accords and discussions. It is crucial that it establish clear ethical guidelines for the development and deployment of autonomous weapons.
Experts, politicians, and stakeholders must work together to define ethical principles and standards to ensure human control, proportionality, accountability, and compliance with international humanitarian law. More education is needed to make people aware of the risks associated with autonomous weapons. Help organizations and causes that are trying to limit or outright prohibit the use of autonomous weapons, and promote open dialogue about the moral, legal, and humanitarian implications of this issue. It should establish national and international legal frameworks and regulatory frameworks for the use of autonomous weapons. It may be necessary to implement certification schemes, conduct extensive testing, and keep a close eye on their widespread adoption. To lessen the risks posed by autonomous weapons, it must investigate technical solutions. Create methods of making autonomous systems’ decision-making more transparent and responsible in order to increase public confidence in them.
We should encourage the use of fail-safe methods like “kill switches” and human-in-the-loop controls, which provide constant human oversight and intervention. It’s meant to galvanize international cooperation against the risks posed by autonomous weapons among governments, academics, and industry leaders. The coordination of efforts calls for the dissemination of research results, technological developments, and lessons gained. It must invest in initiatives that train the public to identify, assess, and manage the risks associated with autonomous weapons. Involve interdisciplinary groups in studying the moral, legal, and social implications of these innovations.
Defeating autonomous weapons requires a constant, preventative effort, as technology development can sometimes outpace politics. Governments, civil society organizations, researchers, and industry players must work together to properly navigate this complex topic and assure the right and ethical implementation of emerging technology.
Author: Rana Danish Nisar – The author holds high academic credentials in the field of international relations. He has deep expertise in security, defense and military studies.
(The views expressed in this article belong only to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of World Geostrategic Insights)