Alfredo Toro Hardy

    ALFREDO TORO HARDY is a retired Venezuelan diplomat, scholar and author. He has served as ambassador to the United States, the United Kingdom, Spain, Brazil, Singapore, Chile and Ireland. He has directed the Diplomatic Academy of the Venezuelan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other academic institutions. He is an Honorary Fellow of the Geneva School of Diplomacy and International Relations and a member of the Review Panel of the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center. Alfredo Toro Hardy is the author of twenty-one books and co-author of fifteen others on international affairs and history. His latest book “America’s Two Cold Wars: From Hegemony to Decline?” was published in March 2022.

    By Alfredo Toro Hardy According to the classical definition by Antonio Gramsci the essence of hegemony entails the capacity to define the terms of a shared agenda. This, by its own nature, implies the recognition by others to a given position of leadership…

    By Alfredo Toro Hardy While the Cold War between China and the United States reasserts itself with every passing day, New Delhi and Washington emphasize their geopolitical rapprochement in response to Beijing’s regional expansiveness.  Not so long ago, though, two notions were in…

    By  Alfredo Toro Hardy On May 16 of this year, Russia’s Vladimir Putin and China’s Xi Jinping signed a 7,000 words-long joint statement.  In it, they agreed to deepen their “strategic partnership”, taking it to a “new era”, while scolding the United States…

    By Alfredo Toro Hardy  Referring to the contrasting interpretations of universality in China and the West, Martin Jacques refers that both perceive themselves to be universal, albeit in totally different ways. Whereas in the West universality is linked to the notion of proselytizing…

    By  Alfredo Toro Hardy The war in Afghanistan decisively contributed to the economic exhaustion of the Soviet Union and to the need of substantial reforms that led to the implosion of its system.  There was, thus, a direct causation between events in Afghanistan…