By Rana Danish Nisar

    “Pakistan should know that Diamond cuts Diamond”

    Rana Danish Nisar
    Rana Danish Nisar

    Apart from the six other entities of South Asia, Pakistan and India are two prominent thespians of the region with nuclear “have” capability. Without any doubt, the regional peace & stability of the region are directly or indirectly connected and interlinked with these two countries. Owing to the long-headed animosity, rivalry, and distrust, from retrospective narrative to contemporary regional dynamics, two nations have mammoth cynicisms. The dawn of the year 1948 calls the ever first military stand-off between two countries and inaugurates the hatred sentiments for each other which are still alive.

    The in-depth scrutiny of the tale of the Indo-Pak relations since the very first date of their birth tells its readers about caginess among them and full of conflicts, military stand-offs, hate, and abhorrence. The ever enhancing as well as evolving Indian hatred looms and offensive march-past towards Pakistan is likely the paradoxically (un)told story which is (un)known by entire global fora. The 1948 confrontation, 1965 war, 1971 military conflict, and demise of Pakistan’s eastern wing, Indian support to “Mukti Bahini” movement against Pakistan, nuclear explosion (Pukhran-I), Brasstacks military operation, Kargil Crisis, Compound-Crisis, Pulwama crisis are the lively instances of abhorring ties of two south Asian nuclear giants.

    Owing to unequal distribution of assets after independence among India and Pakistan and along with bilateral conflicts i.e. Kashmir issue, Water Issue, Sir Creek issue, two nations are far from each other in the context of CBMs. Pakistan always follows the suiting of peace for the region and rises hand towards India for peaceful settlement of conflicts but all in vain from the Indian side.

    The efforts of former Pakistan’s President Musharraf to resolve the Kashmir issue peacefully and visit India along with the inauguration of samjotha express, trade relations were appreciated and remarkable. But on the contrary, Indian confidence being a vast territorial entity in the region, immense population, rising economy, evolving military modernization, powerful conventional military power, attachment with wider Indian Ocean and SLOCs, and juxtaposition with major powers along with nuclear capabilities embolden Indian confidence and provoke its dream of “Akhand-Bharat” or “Greater India” and not make ready India to do table-talk with Pakistan aim to resolve bilateral issue.

    With the dawn of Modi’s rule over New Delhi as Prime minister of India soon after the 2014 general elections victory, the relations among the two countries seem at very low glassy. Due to the belonging of BJP political party and active member of Hindu – based organization RSS, Modi has not many lenient looms towards Pakistan. Alongside with political and military front, Modi has decided to undo Pakistan in the diplomatic realm.

    From the “Act-East” policy to growing access to the shores of West Indian Oceans Shores, India is growing its diplomatic ties in the Gulf and African countries. Currently, despite evolving its hard power i.e. military modernization, pro-active offensive military doctrines “Cold Start doctrines, India is also busy build-up its Paradox soft power towards the wider Asia and its entities by following the slogan of Nehru “Asia for Asians”. Apart from “believe or not”, “Yes of No”, the Indian these looms in the diplomatic domain are connected with its “Hegemonic motives”. Power is the ultimate goal for the state. More power is equal to hegemony.

    It has no doubt that in South Asia, India is a powerful entity with a rising economy, wider territory, and conventional dominance in south Asia which is counter by Pakistan with its nuclear deterrence. According to the experts, the Pakistan nuclear program is the by-product or reciprocal output of the Indian “smiling Budha” atomic explosion of 1974 and 1998. Every state has the right to make sure of its sovereignty and security and for Pakistan’s security, nuclear capabilities are essential like blood for body owing to the traditional security threat vis-à-vis India. Currently, India is the biggest arms importer in wider Asia and its defense budget is growing expensively annually. The following figure and shows can show the Indian obsession regarding defense budget and arms import.

    Figure 1


    Table 1: Revenue and Capital Expenditure of Army, Navy and Air Force, 2020-21

      Army Navy Air Force
    Revenue Expenditure (Rs in Crore) 1,46,941 22,935 29,963
    Capital Expenditure (Rs in Crore) 32,474 26,688 43,282
    Total (Rs in Crore) 1,79,415 49,623 73,245
    Revenue Expenditure as % of Total 82 46 41
    Capital Expenditure as % of Total 18 54 59


    Figure 2


    Moreover, the growing ties of defense ties of India with major powers i.e. USA, Israel, Russia, and France are  upsurging  the conventional asymmetry among Pakistan and India. Besides, the “123” nuclear –agreement with the USA, NSG waivers, MECRs membership i.e. MTCR and WA, AG is more best in Indian’s favor and embolden its offensive motives in South Asia. Interestingly, MTCR controls the missiles and space vehicles that are proficient to carry nuclear arsenals.  The WA cartel controls conventional goods trading and commerce and while AG control biological as well as chemical weapons. The membership of Indians of these cartels has defiantly practices, meanings, costs, and implications particular for Pakistan.

    The major power exceptional and extraordinary juxtaposition with India is increasing Indian exceptionalism notion. Alongside, they know the India-Pakistan rivalry but their carelessness and support of Indian in regional, international, defense, and diplomatic domains have implications for Pakistan and regional peace. With the more advance sophisticated weapons, ISR capabilities, latest drones, advanced combat aircraft, nuclear “have” aircraft carrier, and most recently security agreements with its master (USA), India is now in a better position.

    Additionally, the Indian global diaspora is playing its imperative role to arrange a chair for India to sit in international gatherings i.e. UNSC, G7, MTCR, AG, WA, and NSG respectively. Currently, there are massive numbers of Indian are giving their services in different countries and contribute to the revenue of the country. Due to the expertise in I.T sector, Indian are scattered in the world’s top information technology industry. The world-famous search engine “Google’s” head is Indian. To do investment in the Indian market is the foremost dream of the world multinational companies. In the region of the gulf, Indian are in many numbers as compare to other countries particular Pakistan. According to the world economic forum, India may be standing in third with the highest GDP after China, the USA respectively in the year 2024.

    Figure 3


    Moving towards a conclusion, Pakistan should adopt a countermeasure aim to forestall Indian growing influence in the wider South Asia. By following the renowned quote that “state can change its enemies or friends but can’t change its neighbors”. From foreign policy to strategic and defense domains, Pakistan should re-think, reshape and rebuild its looms. At strategically front, Pakistan should enhance its more deep ties with China and grow defense relations with Russia.

    Owing to changing geopolitics realities, Pakistan should revitalize its relations with its vicinities i.e. Afghanistan and Iran. On the regional front, Pakistan should play its active role in regional organizations like SAARC, SCO, and ASEAN and promote regional integration. Pakistan should adopt a multilateral approach diplomatically aim to upsurge its worth in the region.

    On the international front, Pakistan must re-think its foreign policies goals, and interests and build-up new relations accordingly to the new realities of the new era. Pakistan should adopt befitting economic reforms and policies aim to embolden and strengthen its economy. CPEC can be called a game-changer for Pakistan’s economy. Moreover, Pakistan should build-up its indigenous defense sector aim to enhance its security and defense because in the time of emergency if the state need helps and dial the number of 911 for help, no one will pick or operator will be on honeymoon. The re-alignment of policies and strategies is the need of the hour and befitting policies to weaken growing Indian bully’s eye in South Asia with the same suiting,  because at-least Pakistan should know about this that “Diamond cuts Diamond”.

    Rana Danish Nisar  The author is a PhD (International Relations) Student at the School of Politics and International Studies (SPIS). He holds Mphil in (International Relations), Masters in (Pakistan Studies), and Masters in (International Relations) degrees. He won acceptance Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations HPAIR (USA), 2017.  His research interests are broadly in South Asian Affairs, South Asia Geo-Politics, India-Pakistan Relations, South Asian Nuclear Politics, US and South Asia, Indian Ocean, Security studies, South Asian developments studies.  

    (The views expressed in this article belong  only to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy or views of World Geostrategic Insights). 
